HLC periodically photographs students participating in various on-campus and off-campus activities. Those pictures may be displayed in the classroom or around the school. In addition to school-usage, HLC may want to use a photo with your child in it for other purposes (defined below). By signing below, you agree to the following statements: I give permission for my child’s photograph to be emailed to me and members of my child’s class/school occasionally for the purpose of sharing with you and others the fun and activities that the children are experiencing.* I give permission for my child’s photograph to be used in advertising projects for HLC.* I give permission for my child’s photograph to be included on Heritage Learning Center’s website (www.HLC.info).* I understand that there is no monetary compensation involved with using my child’s photograph/s or image/s. *Heritage WILL NOT label any photograph sent for group emails, used for advertising projects, or used on the school’s website with any child’s first or last name. If labeled, photographs will be named with general captions such as “Preschool Students at the Magic Show”. Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Child/ren’s Name/s:Parent Signature:Email Address/es:Check this box and sign below ONLY IF YOU DO NOT AGREE to the above statements. Photographs taken of your child will remain at Heritage and used for door displays, photo albums, or other on-site displays. Your child’s photos will not be emailed to you, used in HLC advertising, or posted to our website. Do Not Agree Child’s Name:Parent Signature: