As children advance in age, they typically discover what it means to be responsible for the choices they make and whether those choices bring positive or negative consequences. Part of helping a child develop involves establishing a purpose and definition of developmentally appropriate punishment. No child is perfect, so discovering how to discipline your child in an age-appropriate way is of the utmost importance. Enjoy this brief guide on how to discpline preschoolers by Heritage Learning Center, committed childcare and child education in McKinney, TX.
Toddlers and preschoolers can be extremely temperamental, especially when emotions run high. If you’ve experienced a preschooler mid-tantrum, you know these situations can quickly escalate out of control. The following tips and tricks, echoed by Daniel Chorney, a child psychologist in Halifax, should provide a wealth of knowledge and technique when it comes to handling preschooler-meltdowns.
Understand that meltdowns are typical. Children between the ages of 3 and 5 should be asserting their boundaries. While this tip may not entirely resolve the situation, know that defiant outbursts are common, especially given a preschooler’s developmental stage.
Ignore outbursts to the best of your ability. Kids usually internalize the belief any positive or negative action that warrants attention is worth repeating. No matter the physical location or circumstances, avoid reacting to tantrums because that will only further encourage the behavior.
Forget about exterior judgment and public perception. As difficult and as unnatural as it may feel, ignore what others may perceive about you and the way you discipline your children. All in all, stick to what you know and feel to be appropriate, given the circumstances.
Hesitate in eliminating privileges. This discipline tactic is far more effective with older, more mature children, rather than preschoolers. Preschoolers tend to misunderstand the underlying notion of losing something they want.
Take the time to praise positive behavior. Never pass up an opportunity to label positive behavior. Notably, naming the praise and specific behavior will assuredly encourage your child to internalize and repeat positive conduct.
Establish relatable signs and symbols. Introducing a system of significant signs and symbols can help de-escalate tense situations. For example, the reason people associate different emotions with colors, like red, yellow, and green, is because it teaches children how emotions escalate and de-escalate.
Of course, we recognize and trust that each child and family situation is different. Hopefully, these suggestions can benefit you and your family in one way or another. For more information on childhood education and discipline techniques, contact us at Heritage Learning Center today! We offer full-day preschool programs in McKinney, TX with a focus on learning, fun and respectful behavior. Our experienced staff will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.