Early Childhood Education McKinney TX

In order to ensure that your 5th grader is ready for middle school, it’s important to start preparing them when they are in elementary school.

Teach them to choose true friends

In elementary school, your child developed their social life with a lot of parental support. Things change in middle school. It’s important that they learn early how to choose the right friends that will support them through. They need to learn to look beyond the exterior of a person and appreciate all that good that lies within. They also need to recognize that some people make poor choices and need kindness and compassion to work through problems.

Encourage them to take appropriate risks

In middle school, your child will be starting with a relatively blank canvas. Be supportive and encourage participating in new opportunities. Whether it’s a new club or sport, encourage your child to take a risk and try one new activity.

Place more academic responsibilities on their shoulders

As children begin middle school, they should become more accountable for their academic responsibilities. Start reminding them less about work that needs to get done and let them begin to plan and organize their studies. Keep an eye on their achievement level progress as you begin to let go. Some children do well with more responsibility and others, not so much.

Help them understand that failure can lead to success

Speak with any successful person and you will quickly find a running theme. With failure and effort, comes success. Children need to understand that everyone comes to a point of failure in life. They need to know that it typically is not a good feeling but that by solving the problem and working hard, they can overcome their shortcomings.

Help them stay on schedule

The middle-school environment brings with it new classes, schedules, and room changes. The transition can quickly become overwhelming if they aren’t prepared. Ensure that your child has an up-to-date schedule that can be kept in a locker, backpack and at home. Many schools also have online schedules that indicate upcoming assignments, assessments, and events. If your school has an online schedule, bookmark the link for easy access.

Develop time management skills

Effective time management goes hand in hand with academic achievement. Students who can manage their school and play time appropriately, know when to get to work and when to let go and have fun. You can help your child by providing more opportunities for self-direction. Let your child decide when to work on studies and when to enjoy free time. Keep in mind once again, that some children do this well and some need a great deal of support to develop this ability.

Regardless of the skills your child needs to develop, remember that people, young and old, respond best to positive messages.

For more information on early childhood education and transitioning to middle school, call the Heritage Learning Center at 972-548-2757 today!

Heritage Learning Center | Early Childhood Education McKinney Tx | 972-548-2757

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