Best Daycare McKinneyParenting can be difficult, but finding the best daycare that is trustworthy, educational, fun, and affordable is an important decision to make. As a mom, you may find yourself overwhelmed at the thought of your child in a new place with others. Fortunately, you can make the first day easier for both you and your child. Using these tips, you and your child will have a great experience on their first day of daycare.

Weeks or Days Before

When you first enroll your child, you should have taken a tour of the daycare center. This tour may have been helpful for a quick glance of classrooms and play areas, but it most likely did not give you a great visual on how your child’s day will be.

Thankfully, most daycare centers allow you to visit multiple times during the day to see how a normal day will be. Reduce the anxiety you and your child will feel when starting daycare by visiting the center a few times during the weeks and days before your child’s first day.

Night Before

The night before your child’s first day at the best daycare center, spend some time preparing things for the next morning.

Work with your child to pick out a special outfit for their first day. Make sure their bag is packed with a  special toy, blanket or napping mat, and recommended school supplies. If potty training is not complete, make sure to pack a change of clothes, diapers or pull-ups, and wipes. Adding a small bottle of anti-bacterial hand sanitizer to your child’s bag is also recommended.

Make sure to ask the daycare facility if they serve food for lunches and snacks. If not, you will need to pack your child’s lunch and a healthy snack each day. Choose a special meal and snack for your child’s first day.


You may feel uneasy and anxious on your child’s first day, but it is important to remain calm. Your child will pick up on your emotions, making them feel anxious and nervous.

Enjoy this morning together by talking about the upcoming day’s schedule. Discuss the fun and excitement your child will have on their first day. Be sure they understand that they will make new friends and have many new experiences at daycare. They will need to know that you will not be there with them at daycare but that you will be thinking of all the fun they will be having at school.

The first day at daycare can be nerve-wracking to you and your child, but you can reduce any feelings of stress and anxiety. For advice on the best daycare for your child, contact the Heritage Learning Center in McKinney at (972) 782-4464.

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