The alphabet is such a fun thing for young kids to learn! It’s their foundation for so many other things they’ll learn later in life. As a parent or a teacher, we’re going to give you seven tricks for teaching children the alphabet. 

Sounds First

Teaching kids how the letters sound first helps them match the sounds to the way letters look when you show them things like flashcards, and they can sound the letters out when they do some of the following activities. 

Read Books

Alphabet books come in many shapes and sizes, and they’re perfect for teaching young children like infants and toddlers the alphabet! The repetition is helpful for young ones.

Sandpaper Cards

Sandpaper cards help kids learn how to write the alphabet because they trace a letter template over a piece of sandpaper. The cards are great for young children because they tell a child where to start tracing and which direction to go in.

Alphabet Puzzles

Alphabet puzzles are a great way to stimulate your child’s mind in multiple ways while also teaching them the alphabet. They also help develop verbal and vocabulary skills. 

Sensory Activities

Mixing the alphabet with sensory activities is perfect for children because it provides multisensory stimulation. There are multiple ways to do this. One includes filling a tray with sand and having a child draw letters in it. 

Alphabet Printables

Hands-on activities are great, but sometimes it’s nice to have quick paper activities ready to go. There are so many printables out there for learning the alphabet, so you won’t be lacking in resources for this option. 

Fluency Charts

Fluency charts are perfect for letters that kids are struggling to learn. You can have your child point to the letters or color them in when they find them.


Read our other blog posts to learn more about how you can teach children different things. If you’re looking for programs for your kids, look around our website or contact us today! One of our employees can help you figure out a program that’s right for your child.

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