There is always the option to connect with your child’s teacher when they start school. However, it is essential to have strong parent-teacher communication and a cooperative relationship throughout the year. Here are some ways you can stay in contact with your child’s teacher and make the job easier for both of you!

Stay in Contact

You must put in the effort to stay in contact with your child’s teacher. Showing you are always open to talk gives the educator a sense of confidence, knowing they can approach you if needed. 

You should set up times to talk or email with their teacher too. Regular schedules will be beneficial for you and the educator since you are both probably busy. This also gives you a set time to ask questions.

Stay even-tempered

Staying even-tempered is crucial if your child is struggling, and you need to contact their teacher. You should be able to understand where the teacher is coming from. They are there to help your child. Use “I” instead of “you” statements when communicating. This keeps the teacher from feeling like the blame is on them. The teacher has 15+ other students, so they need to help many others too.


Remember that you and the teacher are on the same team and have the same goal. Be sure the teacher knows you are there to assist them in any way. 

Effective parent-teacher communication is crucial to success for you, your child, and their teacher. Everyone is learning. You both just want to help your child be successful. These tips will help you keep stress off the teacher and yourself. For more early childhood tips, check out the Heritage Learning Center’s blog or give us a call!

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