Studies have shown that exceptional preschool programs can provide the support children need for academic achievement in their school years. Choosing the best preschool program for your child may seem like a daunting task but you can make the decision easier by following some basic tips. Top quality preschool programs provide a variety of elements that you should be able to identify when you visit them. Below are some of the important signs of an exceptional preschool program that you should be able to notice.
Teacher Quality
A top-notch program will have teachers that know how to ask thought-provoking questions and provide a detailed explanation to preschoolers. Quality teachers understand that the attention span of young children is short. These teachers know how to get the attention of children and keep them engaged. They allow children the freedom to express their individuality, creativity and display their pieces of work for everyone to enjoy. Exceptional preschools also ensure that their programs provide the proper teacher supervision as outlined by stated law. During your visit to a prospective preschool look for students who are participating in a variety of centers. Ask the teachers to detail the purpose of the activities. Speak with the program director to find out the educational background and experience of the teachers working in the center.
Classroom environment
High-quality preschool classrooms should provide an open concept floor plan. The shelving, tables, and chairs should be appropriate for small people. Artwork should be on display throughout the center. Toys and centers should be easily accessible to all the children in the program. Materials should live in purposeful areas: reading, block building, make-believe, and creativity are just some of the areas you should be able to notice as you move about the rooms. Look for classrooms that are well-organized and that provide teachers with a clear view of all of the children in their care.
Student Performance
Strong preschool programs monitor and report on the development of each child. Observations on social, emotional, gross motor, fine motor, and academic achievement levels are communicated to parents to keep them aware of the individual strengths and challenges of their children. These observations are essential to providing the best preschool supports possible. When visiting a center inquire about how child development is noted and communicated to parents. Ask to see an outline of the curriculum as well.
Interactions Between Children and Staff
Preschool teachers should be interacting with children at their physical level. Children should have eye-to-eye contact with their teachers to develop comfort levels and language skills. Teachers should be able to tend to minor hurts and some bathroom challenges. Preschool children should have the opportunities to interact with their fellow preschoolers freely. Look for engaging programs where children and staff communicate openly in a positive environment.
Heritage Learning Center | McKinney Preschool Programs | (972) 782-4464