Choosing a quality after-school program for your children may seem like a daunting task. You can make the job easier by developing a list of expectations that you assume will be met by the program you are considering for your children.
The following points will help you in creating your expectation checklist.
Welcoming Atmosphere
- Does the program welcome parents and other family members into the center at any time?
- Does the program offer opportunities to have a conference time with caregivers and other staff members?
- Does the program provide a written outline of its policies, procedures, and practices?
Qualified Care Givers
- Do the director, caregivers and staff members have the education and professional preparation to work with school-aged children?
- What are the policies for volunteer and substitute workers at the center?
Healthy and Safe Environment
- Are all of the spaces within the center safe and hazard-free?
- Are there procedures for emergency situations?
- Do all caregivers, staff and children wash their hands after using the washroom and before handling food?
- Are there procedures for picking children up from the center?
- Are there policies on field trips and travel away from the center?
Stimulating Learning Opportunities
- Are children provided with opportunities to develop reasoning, language, math and science skills?
- Are children able to learn new skills?
- Are children able to develop long-range projects?
- Do children have opportunities for active and calm learning?
- Do children have opportunities for indoor and outdoor learning?
Child to Adult Ratios and Learning Groups
- Does the program meet state standards for supervision of children?
- Does the program support the learning style and development needs of individual children?
The following outlines the minimum ratio of supervisors to children based on age that required in the state of Texas:
- 0 to 11 months: 1 supervisor for every 4 children
- 12 to 17 months: 1 supervisor for every 5 children
- 18 to 23 months: 1 supervisor for every 9 children
- 2 years: 1 supervisor for every 11 children
- 3 years: 1 supervisor for every 15 children
- 4 years: 1 supervisor for every 18 children
- 5 years: 1 supervisor for every 22 children
- 6 to 13 years: 1 supervisor for every 26 children
Variety of Activities
- Quality after-school program offer activities that include:
- Interaction between children and adults
- Simple games
- Loud and quiet areas
- Indoor and outdoor play
- Imaginative play
- Clear expectations
- Learning about self, family, and community
- Matching, sorting and ordering
- Real world literacy, numeracy, and science
- Music, drama and creative art
- Exposure to diverse cultures
- Gross and fine motor development
Heritage Learning Center | After School Program McKinney TX | (972) 782-4464